
by ianli

Murray and Evaline listen to This American Life

Dec 2, 2014

Murray and Evaline love listening to the radio when driving. One of their favorite shows is This American Life. They like the show because of the wide range of topics that it covers.

Here are some of their favorite episodes related to traveling and driving:

If you like This American Life, make a contribution to support them.

This drawing is inspired by two comic book panels. The first panel is from the Sandman #45 pencilled by Jill Thompson. It shows the characters Dream and Delirium driving to find one of their brothers, Destruction. In the back seat is Matthew who nervously gives Delirium driving directions.

The second panel is from Nation X #1 drawn by Michael Allred. It shows the characters Wolverine and Nightcrawler driving while listening to This American Life. Marvel and This American Life collaborated to turn the comic book panel into a poster.